1. Full name: Magdalena Andréa Riquelme Montero
2. Nickname: Male, Malecita
3. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary: Idem
6. High School: Lycée Antoine de St.-Exupéry
7. College: Same as High School
8. Hair color: Light brown
9. Tall or short: Tall (?)
10. Sandals or Sneakers: Converses >:0
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Camera
13. Health freak: Don't think so
14. Orange or Apple: ._. hum, apple?
15. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: kind of?
16. Eat or Drink: both *-*
17. Eye color: ._. grayish aqua?
18. Pepsi or Coke: Fanta 8)
19. Been in an airplane: Yep, few times.
20. Been in a relationship: Yep
21. Been in a car accident: No
22. Been in a fist fight: Girl's fight 1313. In mud. Wearing a bikini. Really.
23. First piercing: Belly ring. And sooo many in my hears. 15 years old?
24. First real boyfriend/girlfriend: (REAL xD) 14 years old. For 2.8 years.
25. First award: UH! Animation, 2 High School year.
26. First kiss: Firts BF. 14 years.
27. First word: ._. dunno
28. Last book you read: Reading Poe.
29. Last person you talked to in person: Right now, a class mate :D Like every morning!
30. Last person you texted: *Cheking* Freddy :)
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My dad :3
32. Last food you ate: Tea~ (eat?)
33. Last movie you watched: godfather 2, but only the beginning
34. Last song you listened to: O_O I like trains.
35. Last thing you bought: Hum... dunno D:
36. Last person you hugged: My mom :3
37. Food: ._. everything <3
38. Drink: natural juice and beer :3
39. Bottoms: Black t-shirt
40. Top: Jeans?
41. Animal: Cat and Racoon
42. Colours: Gray, black, blue, green
43. Movies: Moulin Rouge <3, Sucker Punch, Hard Candy
44. Favourite subjects: lenguage and philo, now; illustration and animation
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [X] Gotten Baptised. (Contra mi voluntad, y la de mis padres)
46. [X] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [X] Had your heart broken...
48. [X] Went over the old texts on your cell phone. (Ttly guilty)
49. [X] Had someone question your sexual orientation. (xD)
50. [] Hacked someone's Facebook.
51. [] Got pregnant.
52. [] Had an abortion.
53. [X] Did something you regret.
54. [X] Broke a promise.
55. [X] Hid a Secret.
56. [X] Pretended to be happy.
57. [X] Met someone who changed your life.
58. [X] Pretended to be sick.
59. [X] Left the country. (Vacantions only)
60. [X] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [X] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [] Ran a mile.
63. [X] Went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [X] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [X] Dated someone.
67. Eating: Currently eating? Dind't think abour it
68. Drinking: Water (A)
69. Listening to: currently, Eluveitie and Bon Jovi
70. Sitting/Laying: on the ground, with my notebook ._.
71. Plans for today: Class, gym, work at home, eat, sleep.
72. Waiting for: Thursday :3
74. Want to get married: ._. erhm, no by now.
75. Career: Digital Design , fuck yeah.
WHICH ONE In a significant other:
76. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
77. Shorter or taller: Taller.
78. Romantic or spontaneous: I can't just choose one.
79. Tough or Sweet: ugh, I can't either
80. Texts you or Calls you: The texts, but a call once in a while does not hurt.
81. Hook-up or relationship: realtionship
82. Looks or personality: Personality. Romantic, spontaneous, tough but sweet at the same time, then u got it.
83. Lost glasses/contact: Haha, yep. Glasses only once.
84. Snick out of a house: ._. yess, for a week? or two?
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: no ._. Should I?
86. Killed somebody: literally? not
87. Broken someone's heart: Yes.
88. Smoked: Yes?
89. Cried when someone/something died: absolutely
90. Yourself: Ha, ha.
91. Miracles: Not.
92. Love at first sight: Hum..
93. Heaven: Not.
94. Dreams coming true: Somethimes I don't.
95. Respecting your elders: Of course
96. Kiss on the first date: ._. it seems that I do it.
97. Is there anyone you want to be with right now: >_< assdasdasf
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yep, I know :)
99. Do you believe in God: NOT.
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